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Search results for "Colonial history (Ageria)" 1 to 2 of 2

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Marc André
Femmes dévoilées. Des Algériennes en France à l'heure de la décolonisation
Women unveiled. Algerian women in France in the age of decolonisation
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
It examines the itineraries of Algerian women who migrated to France and more specifically to Lyon, before their own country gained independence. This study traces back to a female immigration and prove that these women were full-fledged actors of their history. This dual dynamic led to the establishment of plural identities, between two countries.

Alain Messaoudi
Les arabisants et la France coloniale
Savants, conseillers, médiateurs (1780-1930)
Sociétés, Espaces, Temps
The orientalism of french Arabists is a highly controversial point because of their involvment in colonial expansionism; it has for this reason not been an historical scope of investigation yet. Through an analysis of their careers, their publications and intellectual positions, this book presents the political and scholarly issues of their action.